Friday 28 March 2014

Why I'm not buying Benefit Cosmetics anymore: there's a new kid on the block (Cheaper & Better)

Some of the time, compromising on price means having to compromise on quality- be it shoes, clothes or technology.

Well, not in this case! Soap and Glory are mostly famous for their lovely smelly pink bathroom ranges, and skin care items, but I've recently become their biggest advocate in the make-up aisles at Boots.

I'm the sort of person who just cannot justify spending a lot of money on something that makes your eyelashes blacker-- let's be honest, that's all it does really! But I still like nice packaging -- I'm a marketing team's dream.

So enter Soap and Glory  with their Thick & Fast Mascara (left).

It's £10.50 - ok, so not much of a difference from Benefit's BADgal Mascara at £17.50 (right), I concede... But more often than not, Boots have Soap & Glory products on 3 for 2.

I've been continually impressed with Soap & Glory's lip colours - not only are they super cute shimmery colours, they smell like Cadbury's Mini Eggs. Seriously.

£9.00 each, vs £15.00 each for Benefit's lip colours. I might add that I've found Benefit's lipsticks don't last very long. So it's S&G for me!

I'd recommend Soap & Glory™ Super-Colour Fabulipstick™ Collagen Boosting Lipstick in "THIS MISSING PINK" an adorable bubblegum shimmer shade, and "RED MY LIPS" a terracotta block colour shade.

Also worth a shout are the fabulous Mini Egg scented "Sexy MotherPucker" lip crayons, in "FUSHIA-RISTIC".

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